在the projector看的第二部影片精彩无比政治的角力法律的较量人性的幽微体现的淋漓尽致印象最深的一句话everyone has their own roles to play. 这样的惊天大案圣斗士天界篇最终的实现者竟然是两个底层的女孩子很多细节也很让人唏嘘Doan出身越南学的accounting却没能找到accounting的工作去酒吧做了女招待后被浮华的社会蛊惑一心想当网红Siti从印尼乡下来到雅加达在制衣工厂找的工作嫁给工厂老板17岁就有了自己的儿子影片中的律师已经尽了自己的努力然而他们也清楚两个女孩能不能得到释放由不得他们和真相无关一层层揭开的迷雾正义又到底是什么呢
开局就是blood and love找到true love不能解开诅咒找到得到再失去才能所以那是诅咒啊Nowhere's safe now. You can't run from the world. You can't hide from it. But you can find power and purpose. A chance to service the horror. This continent was meant for no one. All you have to do, Ciri, is keep your sword close and keep moving. 好喜欢他们四个What is destiny cannot be avoided.